Fund to help Kirklees mental health causes

Longley Farm owner Jimmy Dickinson with Katie Kempf from Longley Farm.Longley Farm owner Jimmy Dickinson with Katie Kempf from Longley Farm.
Longley Farm owner Jimmy Dickinson with Katie Kempf from Longley Farm.
The owner of Longley Farm has launched a new charitable fund entitled ‘The Jimmy Dickinson Fund’.

The fund will make grants to support Kirklees voluntary organisations working to improve mental health amongst children and adults.

Jimmy Dickinson said: “We feel that while mental health issues are more readily discussed these days, there is still a reluctance to talk about these problems and for people to seek the help that they need.”

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In Kirklees, 42,000 people, aged 18-64 have a common mental health disorder, and men are at a higher risk than women of suicide; especially in the 25-39 and over 80 age brackets; which reflects the findings nationally.

Increasingly, young people are suffering because of peer group pressure, and an increasing use of social media.

In Kirklees, one in 25 boys, and one in 10 girls cut or hurt themselves, if they have a problem or feel stressed.

One Community, the Kirklees Community Foundation, will manage the fund, and supports many local community organisations and voluntary groups, like luncheon clubs, who work hard to mitigate social isolation and loneliness. The Foundation has seen a rise in the number of groups being formed to support men’s mental health.

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The fund is open now and closes on Friday, October 18. Applications are invited for up to £1,000. A link to the online application form and full details of the funding guidance can be found at

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