Liversedge shopkeeper fined for hygiene offences

Kirklees Magistrated Court in Huddersfield.Kirklees Magistrated Court in Huddersfield.
Kirklees Magistrated Court in Huddersfield.
A Liversedge shopkeeper has been fined for not complying with Environment Health regulations.

Danish Zafar, aged 31, who is the Director of Flush Petroleum Limited, Wakefield Road, Liversedge, pleaded guilty to food hygiene offences on May 23, 2024 at Kirklees Magistrates Court.

He was fined £120 with a £48 surcharge and ordered to pay a costs contribution of £1,500.

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Environmental Health Officers visited Flush Petroleum Ltd on a number of occasions between February and April 2022. They found goods stored in unsanitary conditions and items for sale past their sell by date.

Kirklees Council Environmental Health Officers offered support to Mr Zafar to help him make the necessary improvements to his business. However, despite their efforts Mr Zafar failed to make the necessary improvements. Records show a history of non-compliance at the premises dating back to 2020.

Rachel Spencer-Henshall, Strategic Director for Public Health, said: “Our dedicated Environmental Health Team support local businesses and there are many success stories where they have helped premises with a poor rating turn things around.

“It is disappointing that after being given many chances, Mr Sharma was unable to meet the basic requirements of Food Safety Regulations. I hope this prosecution serves as a warning that we will not compromise on public health. Those who break the law can expect to be prosecuted.”

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Environmental Health Officers will visit premises without prior notice and will visit high risk establishments with a poor history of compliance every six months. Establishments are given time to make changes, unless there is an immediate risk to public health.

Any business owners who need advice or support with food safety can contact [email protected] or telephone 01484 221000.

Anyone with concerns about food safety in Kirklees should contact the Environmental Health Team by emailing [email protected].